tbf on Mission

We desire to see all who BELONG to The Bridge Fellowship BECOME passionate about their Great Commission role, living to actively BUILD God’s kingdom locally and around the world. When we use our time, talents and resources to show God’s love, it doesn’t just impact the people around us…it changes US. Living on mission is a key part of how we become FULLY ENGAGED followers of Jesus Christ.

Click one of the buttons below to learn more: 

Missions + Outreach Dream Team Notifications

If you are interested in getting notifications for Missions + Outreach at TBF, please click the button below and fill out the form. We also invite you to join our Facebook group “TBF ON MISSION” (just click the other button below!) Any time an opportunity to serve arises, you will get a text, email, or Facebook notification notifying you about the opportunity and the steps you need to take to be specifically involved!

our core values

gospel centered

The Gospel message of hope through Christ alone is central to everything we do.

Global Reaching

We will go anywhere and do anything short of sin to reach people for Christ.


We believe healthy families create healthy communities, so we partner with families through adoption, foster care, early childhood education, and mentorship.


We fight for justice for the vulnerable including the fatherless, widows, foreigners, the poor, and the unborn.


We were created on purpose with a purpose; therefore, we will live “on mission” until His Kingdom comes.


The Bridge Fellowship partners with established organizations who share our passions and vision for taking the Gospel to the ends of the earth. Our international partners include: 

Upcoming Mission Trip Opportunities:

We’d love for you to join us on an upcoming mission trip! Click the button below to sign up for one!


Be on mission right where you are by serving in your community with a Local Outreach Partner. We are here to empower and equip you to find an organization that cares about the things you care about and fits your S.H.A.P.E. profile. 

Click the button below to connect with our Missions + Outreach Coordinator.


White Logo for The Bridge Fellowship church in Lebanon, Tennessee

The Bridge Fellowship is located at 5066 Lebanon Road Lebanon, TN 37087. Call our main office at (615) 547-2739.

Copyright The Bridge Fellowship 2024. All Rights Reserved.